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Future dialogues 0,5 day
In our future dialogues sessions we confront your organisation and it's stakeholders with insights from our ongoing research on trends, & drivers for (technological & societal) change. Optionally we also interview experts inside or outside your organisation to tailor towards your specific organisaton (delphi method). In a half day session , together with your organisation and external experts, we discuss, and generate ideas on the impact of these trends for your sector & business.
Strategy- (Policy- Bid- or Plan-) Outlinelab 2 x 0,5 day
We help you to translate future insights, vision, scenario's and ideas into strategy, policy, bids or multiyear plans. We facilitate multi stakeholder sessions and use several methods to draft the outlines of your plan, proposal or bid in co-creation. After the sessions we analyse output, and translate the main insights into a strategy deck.
We can help you to translate the outline into full proposals or plans, either on an ad interim basis or coaching a responsible person at your organisation.
Project Development Made to measure
We go on where most consultancies stop. We develop projects and help you to realise the service, campaign, media format, festival, exhibition, research project, museum, store, zoo, school, bank, or city of the future.
WLYW works within a network of creative partners. We have extensive experience in the field of design management: we help you to translate vision and strategy into initial design & prototypes, select partners, help to find funding and steer creative processes up until realisation.
Think & Plan

Vision Lab 0,5 day
We help you to navigate complexity. After the future dialogues we use co-creative methods and tools to structure ideas and to help your organisation to develop scenario's (SBR) and to formulate a vision and purpose in the light of these scenario's. ​Using anticipatory ideation we help you to carve out solution spaces. Scenario's, vision and ideas can then in next phase be creatively be translated in a strategy, and plans for new directions, or new services.
NEW NORMAL Rebootcamp 1,5 day
Together with partner Minkowski we have developed an online COVID CRISIS rebootcamp format called SOON.
You can read more about the SOON format on the SOON website...
Organisational Resilience & Futures Literacy Training Made to measure
We provide made to measure training programs on organisational resilience and futures literacy either for organisations or individuals working on innovation within organisations. This can also include senior level coaching.
Time Travel Made to measure
We plan and guide made to measure 'Time Traveling Tours', expeditions to the unevenly distributed future. Destinations vary from local subculture hang-outs in the Netherlands to homes for the elderly in Japan. Please get in touch to discuss possibilities.